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Q: Can a cremated family member be intered with a relative? A: Yes, but certain rules will apply.

Q: Can you make payments on a plot? A: Yes, there is a monthly payment plan, but has to be paid in full before interment.

Q: Can you purchase headstones from the cemetery? A: No, you will have to purchase from a monument company of your choice.

Q: Does the cemetery sell dirt? A: Yes, 15$ for approximately 1 1/2 yards.

Q: Does the cemetery clean headstones? A: No, you are responsible for cleaning your own headstone.

Q: Does the office close for lunch? A: No, some one is available all business hours.

Q: Does the cemetery have a ceremony for Memorial Day? A: Yes, it takes place by the pavilion, usually at 10:00am.

Q: Can someone cremated out of state have their remains shipped to the cemetery? A: Yes, through USPS only.

Q: Does the cemetery take donations? A: Yes, we are a public cemetery.

Q: Can you place a bench at a gravesite? A: No, but we can potentially place it near by.

Q: Does the cemetery allow all flowers? A: Yes, fresh flowers and silk flowers are allowed.

See rules for any restrictions.